A BELCOO-BASED charity that employs 116 people has been given a prestigious award.
Lakeland Community Care is a non-profit organisation that works with elderly people in Fermanagh, and, last year picked up the Fermanagh Trust sponsored Social Enterprise of the Year Award 2013 at the second annual Fermanagh Herald Business Awards.
The charity, which has been in operation since 1994, this week picked up the Investors in People accreditation, acknowledged as the most successful framework for business improvement through people.
It helps organisations of every size, sector and location to compete and succeed through improved people performance.
Lakeland Community Care is among 31 Northern Ireland businesses who picked up the award at a ceremony in Hillsborough Castle.
The award comes as work continues on a new £1.2m centre in the village, which will house the charity.
The building is costing £1.2m, with £250, 000 coming as part of funding through SWARD (South West Action for Rural Development) funding.
It is hoped that the charity will move into its new premises this year.