Staff urged to take opportunity to stand up for SWAH

LOCAL healthcare workers and hospital staff are being urged to do their “duty towards their patients” by taking part in the ongoing investigation into the impacts of the removal of emergency general surgery (EGS) from the SWAH. As previously reported by the ‘Herald, the independent Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) is currently carrying out a review […]

Call for urgent meeting on GP crisis

THE LOCAL Council is to seek a special meeting with the Department of Health’s Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) in relation to the growing crisis in unfilled GP rotas in the local area. The councillors made the call after it emerged that the Dromore, Trillick and Fintona areas had no GP cover on Friday May 3, […]

SWAH nurses next to protest on picket lines

NURSES from the South West Acute Hospital (SWAH) in Enniskillen took part in two day-long strikes for more pay in the past week. Thousands of nurses took to the picket lines at hospitals across the North last Thursday and yesterday (Tuesday). Despite the wintery conditions, nurses of all ages and levels were out in force at the SWAH throughout the two days of protests. Independent […]

Every GP practice at risk of collapsing

EVERY GP practice in Fermanagh is currently “vulnerable to a possible collapse”, with the dire situation facing local general practice only set to worsen in the months ahead. That is the stark message from Dr Paul Bradley, chairman of the South West GP Federation which represents doctors in the Fermanagh and Omagh area, who has warned urgent “action is needed now to […]

Patients form new committee at ‘Maple’

A NUMBER of patients who are registered at Maple Healthcare in Lisnaskea have now formed a new ‘Health Committee’ in order to tackle ongoing concerns that locals have with the practice. A second meeting was held with local councillors and members of the public to discuss what could be done to rectify the situation of […]

Cross-border health scheme reinstated

THE CROSS-border health scheme, which has benefited many in Fermanagh but had fallen victim to Brexit, has been reinstated by the Executive in a bid to tackle ever-growing waiting lists. As reported in the Herald earlier this year, the EU directive on cross-border health, which saw many local patients travel south for hip replacements and […]

Trust pinpoints its ‘over-arching demands’ after Covid

PRIORITIES: The Chief Executive of the Western Health and Social Care Trust, Dr Anne Kilgallen, has told a recent media briefing entitled “Rebuild” the three over-arching demands for the Trust following the pandemic. Dr Kilgallen listed equity of treatment, providing access to the most urgent services and reducing the rate of transmission as the Trust’s […]

Pupils showcase designs in tribute to healthcare worker

BUDDING artists have showcased their colourful designs expressing gratitude to local healthcare staff for their hard work throughout the pandemic.  Tiernan and Riley, pupils at Holy Trinity Primary School took part in an arty school project to create ‘hope cards’ for front line workers.  The boys came up with striking designs which will form part […]

Trust fails to explain huge underspend on mental health

A CASE of “post-code lottery” could be the reason why accessing mental health counselling is “nearly impossible” for people across Fermanagh.  Sara Boyce from the PPR (participation and practice of rights) confirmed that only 70% of GP practices offer in-house counselling within the Western Trust area, with the percentage for Fermanagh even lower. Speaking to […]


Almost 40 heart patients in SWAH recall

A RECALL of almost 40 Fermanagh patients who had been receiving treatment for a heart condition which began in June is still ongoing. The patients were recalled in what The Western Trust described as “a precautionary measure.” The recall has been made following a review of patients’ files and affects those suffering from aortic stenosis […]