Business leaders across a number of sectors in Northern Ireland urge all firms that move goods in from Great Britain and the rest of the world to register for the UK Government’s Trader Support Service (TSS). The end-to-end free support service deals with import, safety and security declarations on behalf of traders, providing guidance as well as dealing with their requirements for moving goods into Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Institute of Directors Chair Gordon Milligan said: “The Northern Ireland Protocol comes into force on 1 January 2021 and there will be changes to the way goods move between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

‘REDUCE COSTS’: Gordan Milligan
“We strongly encourage businesses to register for the Trader Support Service which will guide you through any changes due to the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol, save you time in completing declarations and reduce your declaration costs, as the TSS is free-to-use.”
Manufacturing NI Chief Executive Stephen Kelly agreed. “It is incredibly important that businesses are ready for the fundamental changes coming on January 1.
“Signing up for the Trader Support Service is one of the first and most important steps firms can take now as it will remove costs and complexities and assist in ensuring the smooth movement of goods between GB and here. Everyone should take action now.”
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council issued a public statement warning “Businesses are encouraged to register for the service and avail of the important updates and information provided. The service is outlined as part of the publication of guidance on the Northern Ireland Protocol for businesses moving goods into Northern Ireland, which comes into force on January 1, 2021.”
Ulster Farmers’ Union president Victor Chestnutt said: “Goods can include something as simple as ordering second-hand tractor parts from England, purchases that can be very regular for some farmers. It is essential that our members who transport goods across the water or do so on another’s behalf, sign up for the free TSS.
“It will provide them with a necessary business registration number needed to transport goods, will explain all the changes that come into effect with the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol and the service can complete declarations on your behalf.”

‘SIGN UP’: Victor Chestnutt
‘Valuable to business development’
ONE OF the firms in the Mid and East Antrim area already taking advantage of TSS is Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Ltd. Founded in Japan over 70 years ago, it is a world leader in aluminium die casting. From its base here, it supplies a range of aluminium engine, transmission and structural car components for car manufacturers throughout Europe.
Managing Director David Watson said the company registered with TSS because it recognised it as “an excellent initiative to support businesses with little experience with customs declarations”. Mr Watson said the process had been straightforward and well worthwhile, adding: “Currently we have already had online training webinars free of charge.”
His message to other companies is that the TSS is “very valuable to your business development…and we would highly recommend it.”

‘RECOMMEND IT’: David Watson
Trader Support Service can help you if…
Move goods between GB and Northern Ireland or bring goods into Northern Ireland from outside the UK
- Act on behalf of someone to move goods between GB and Northern Ireland or bring goods into Northern Ireland from outside the UK
- Are based in Northern Ireland and receive goods from outside
- Send parcels between GB and Northern Ireland or bring parcels into Northern Ireland from outside the UK
This article is part of a paid-for Partnership with the UK Government