
Belleek businessman ‘a great friend and gentleman’

THE death has taken place of a leading businessman in Belleek, described as ‘a great friend and gentleman’.
Francie McDonnell of Loughshore Road, Belleek, died peacefully.
He was described by Fr Mulhern to celebrated the Requiem Mass, as ‘a great friend and gentleman’ and ‘a man who lifted your spirit’.
He told mourners that Francie would have done anything to help others.
“He was a true gentleman. Described as a legend, one of a kind. he was such a good and generous human being, supporting every charity in the Belleek area,” he said.
He went on, “You would have to travel far and wide to find someone who could reach his goodness and kindness. He was always smiling. He had the biggest heart and the biggest smile.
Belleek won’t be the same without him. He had time for everyone.”

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link

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