
Lucky escape for driver whose car hit tractor prongs

Enniskillen Court House, RMGFH03

Enniskillen Court House, RMGFH03

A farmer in Derrylin who was driving his tractor with sharp prongs in a lowered position from a field onto a main road caught the side of a passing vehicle causing it to spin into a tree.

Father-of-three Martin Lawrence pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention when he appeared before Enniskillen Magistrates Court and was handed a fine.


The 42-year-old, whose address was given as Cloona Park, Dunmurry, Belfast, was fined £300 and had six penalty points endorsed on his licence.

On April 17, police were called to a two vehicle collision on the Derrylin Road. The defendant had been driving a John Deere tractor from a field on to a main road.

As the defendant went out on the road with prongs in a lowered position, he caught the side of a passing vehicle
causing damage to the car which then spun into a tree before coming to a stop.

The driver was taken to hospital for treatment, however did not suffer any serious injuries.
It was later reported that she suffered cuts and bruises and shock and a back injury.

The incident was said to have been an accident and no complaint was made regarding the defendant.
The court heard that no statement was given by the woman who was driving the other vehicle.
Lawrence, who has no criminal record, cooperated with the police investigation.

Defending solicitor Julie Cooper stated that the defendant entered a plea at the earliest opportunity.
She said that her client has been a farmer his whole life.

“He had been edging with the front prongs lowered down so he could get a better view of the road as he was leaving the field which is owned by his employer.


He had to go on to the road and get back to the farm. He approached the exit with caution but his view was obstructed with trees.

He would have had these trees moved but it belongs to his employer.

“He has been employed there for 15 years and still works there.

The vehicle was stationary when it occurred after he stopped to see if he could see any oncoming cars.
After the incident he went straight to her aid and tried all he could to mitigate the circumstances.”

District Judge Nigel Broderick said: “I hope they have learnt their lesson. It could have been a far more serious accident. There needs to be better sight for that road or a sign erected to alert of any possible agricultural vehicles on that road.”

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