
Country Club Tug Of War team claim win

Country Club Tug Of War team pictured after their win in the 680kg class at Lurgan

Country Club Tug Of War team pictured after their win in the 680kg class at Lurgan

The Country Club Tug Of War Tug started the annual Northern Ireland Tug Of War Association (NITOWA) Championship campaign in style on Saturday 22nd November in Lurgan winning the 680kg weight class.

They came in ahead of Armagh outfits Richhill in second and Ballyhegan in third.

Stephen Hunter, who pulls number one, at the front of the rope and who has been a central member for the last number of years said that it was a brilliant result for both the club and the individual pullers, especially the youth the club has been developing over the last few years.

Over the next number of weeks the Country Club will compete in all other championship weighs, starting with the 600kg on Saturday 6th December, again in Lurgan.

If you wish to learn more about the Country Club Tug Of War Team or keep up to date with the sport at local, national and international level, just follow us on Facebook at Country Club Tug Of War.
