Petition on future of Tempo playpark

ALMOST 300 people have signed an online petition in a bid to urge the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to ‘relocate’ the playpark in Tempo. As part of the Council’s commitment to improve playpark facilities in the county, it’s been reported that around £100,000 has been pledged to improve facilities in the children’s play area […]

Lakelanders complain to Council about Forum plans

THE ENNISKILLEN Lakelanders has warned any closure of the Lakeland Forum, without an alternative pool being provided, will have “a profound impact” on the club and its swimmers for years to come. The Forum is set to undergo a multi-million pound modernisation redevelopment, and while no date has set yet for when this will begin, it is expected the […]

Council’s poverty officer says ‘help is out there’

DEIRDRE O’Connor became the first-ever Poverty Officer for Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in August 2022, just as the cost of living crisis was beginning to come to a head. “I started in this job at a time when more-and-more local people were starting to find it increasingly difficult to cope; costs were rising, and […]

Council clean up a sticky situation

AFTER the smoking ban was introduced in Ireland, chewing gum use increased by a staggering 30 per cent. To say it was a case of replacing one bad habit for another is debatable, but it takes up to five years for chewing gum to biodegrade, while in Singapore, it is banned altogether. Today discarded chewing gum is a major, and growing, […]

Fermanagh council spends £1m on litter

FERMANAGH District Council spends over £1 million a year on street cleansing, litter control and litter collection. The council recently appointed a Litter Warden who works across the District to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) to anyone caught dropping litter. The Litter Warden also offers information and advice to help reduce instances of illegal littering. […]