NAMED after a mysterious and deep lake behind Errigal mountain, Altan was formed in 1987 by the late Frankie Kennedy, a flute player from Belfast, and his wife, the charismatic singer and fiddler, Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh, who hails from Gweedore.
Altan’s brand of music, inspired originally by Northern traditions and played with verve and heart, has matured down the years.
Fronted by Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh, they have become worldwide ambassadors for Irish music.
They have been hailed as ‘the hottest group in the Celtic realm’, and celebrated on an Irish postage stamp.
Altan have appeared at prestigious venues including the Royal Albert Hall, Sydney Opera House, Carnegie Hall and at the White House during Clinton’s presidency.
They have collaborated with the likes of Dolly Parton, Bonnie Raitt, and Alison Krauss and sold more than 1 million albums worldwide.
Still touring, most recently in Australia, Spain and Italy, Altan relish nothing more than performing to local audiences on their home soil.
Altan perform in the Ardhowen Theatre on Saturday Octber 4 from 8pm. Tickets are available from the box office.