Accessible bikes are a huge hit at Forum Fun Day

AT the recent JustUs sports event at in Enniskillen, the Lakeland Forum’s accessible bikes proved the biggest hit of the day. Unfortunately, despite the joy they bring to many, the accessible bikes are simply not that accessible! Shelley Cowan, founder of JustUs explained that, unlike other areas including Omagh, those who fancy a cycle cannot simply call up […]

Shelley takes on Stairway to Heaven with a little help

FROM learning to stand to learning to walk to now taking on a mountain. Michelle Cowan, known as Shelley, has been unwell for 26 years but has decided to take on the huge task of climbling Cuilcagh mountain, all in aid of her group JustUs. Speaking about her challenge, Shelley explains why JustUs is such a worthy cause. “I have […]