Interest in learning Irish language is ‘increasing’

ONE of Fermanagh’s leading Gaeilgeoirs feels that more needs to be done throughout the county so that the ‘new generation of people’ will embrace and want to learn the Irish language. Growing up in Roslea, Ciarán Mag Uidhir’s love of Irish language stemmed from listening to the likes of TG4 commentators Brian Tyres and Mac Dara MacDonnacha […]

Pupils take ‘new normal’ in their stride

WHILE the Covid-19 pandemic has presented its fair share of challenges, it would appear that staff and pupils from Lisnaskea’s Naíscoil an Traonaigh have taken the twists and turns of the ‘new normal’ in their stride. As parents and teachers faced extraordinary pressures due to the demands of remote learning. A spokeswoman from Naíscoil an […]

DUP man slated over ‘anti-Irish’ email

DUP councillor Bert Johnston, has said that Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan is creating a ‘storm in a teacup’ following his criticism over a leaked email in which the unionist councillor described the Irish language as ‘foreign and gnomish’.