Schools to continue with project despite cuts

PARENTS of pupils of both Holy Trinity and Jones Memorial primary schools have been assured that the shared education project will go on. However, it will not be done under the auspices of the Education Authority who, as part of a recent round of financial cuts, called time on the “Peance IV Shared Education Project” […]

Principal slams cuts to school counselling funding

A SCHOOL principal has warned that primary schools having funding axed for children counselling could end up costing society more in the future. Brian Treacy, Principal of Holy Trinity Primary School, was speaking following the announcement that the Department of Education (DoE) was withdrawing the funding for the Healthy Happy Minds counselling throughout schools in the […]

Pupils showcase designs in tribute to healthcare worker

BUDDING artists have showcased their colourful designs expressing gratitude to local healthcare staff for their hard work throughout the pandemic.  Tiernan and Riley, pupils at Holy Trinity Primary School took part in an arty school project to create ‘hope cards’ for front line workers.  The boys came up with striking designs which will form part […]

Moment of truth as schools finally open their doors

WITH every school in Fermanagh returning class for the first time since March, it’s been a momentous week for the county.  Below the Herald talks to the principals of two of the county’s biggest schools on how they, their staff, and their pupils have been coping with the return.  BRIAN Treacy, principal of Holy Trinity […]