Police to get tough on speeders

POLICE in Fermanagh are cracking down on speeding drivers, particularly in areas where locals are worried about speed and safety. There was a strong police presence on the roads in Enniskillen on Sunday, while on Monday the local force posted on social media to say they were on patrol on our country roads. “Fermanagh NPT […]

Call for pubs here to stay open until 3am!

THERE have been calls for Enniskillen opening hours to be extended to 3am after visiting tourists said it was “embarrassing” to see police throwing punters out of pubs at 1am. The suggestion to bring the county town into line with the likes of Belfast and much of the UK was made by Lisbellaw man Mark […]


FERMANAGH could end up with “the hardest border in Europe” if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, with one analyst suggesting it could have tighter security than the frontier between Ukraine and its pro-Russian neighbour Belarus. Alarm bells are ringing as the March Brexit deadline rapidly approaches and it now seems Brussels may […]

Artificial lake will be centrepiece of holiday village

THE DEVELOPMENT of the Necarne into a new holiday village will see a new lake being dug on the historic estate, and it may also see the castle itself turned into a nursing home. In recent months it has emerged it could take years for the historic estate outside Irvinestown to be developed. Now a […]

Enniskillen stink blamed on thoughtless flushers!

THE STINK that pervaded Enniskillen town centre last week was caused by people flushing items down the toilet that they shouldn’t have. Last week, and particularly over the bank holiday period towards the end of the week the east end of the town, around the Clinton Centre and the Cenotaph, was plagued by a nauseatingly […]

Beaches on red alert for monster jellyfish

FERMANAGH folk flocking to the beach this summer need to watch out, with sightings of the world’s largest jellyfish on our nearby coastlines increasing every week. Reports of the lion’s mane jellyfish, which can grow to a meter in diameter and have thousands of tentacles, being spotted on Donegal beaches this year are more than […]