New Sinn Fein candidate is Birmingham mum-of-two

IT MAY not quite be Christmas yet, but in the fast moving world of local politics parties are already making preparations for next year’s district council elections.  Sinn Fein this week announced their candidates for two of Fermanagh’s electoral areas, Enniskillen and Erne East, and there’s a new face among them.  In the Enniskillen area, […]

£1m to put townland names on road signs

THE COUNCIL are to spend close to £1 million in an effort to preserve townland names on local road signs, just a few years after it brought in controversial changes critics warned would see the old townland names become obsolete. New signs have been popping up across the county in recent months featuring local townland […]

‘Politicians only interested when there’s a photoshoot’

WITH THE future of the border currently hanging in the balance, the people of Fermanagh are feeling used and abandoned by politicians in the Brexit negotiations.  While the proposed transition deal includes a widely welcomed backstop for the North, which would prevent a hard border, the DUP and others strongly opposing the deal, and it […]


Hospital paying a heavy price for no-show patients

…each missed appointment at SWAH costs £170   PATIENTS not showing up to their appointments at SWAH are costing the hospital tens of thousands each month.  In fact, the hospital could have employed at least a dozen extra nurses with the money lost on patients not showing up in just a handful of months this […]

Church worries over hard border

CATHOLIC clergy along the Fermanagh border, where parishes span county boundaries, are getting worried about the impact Brexit will have on parochial life.  Fr John Chester, Parish Priest in Roslea and Mgr Richard Morgan, Parish Priest in Clones and former prior at Lough Derg, have both expressed their fears for what the UK’s departure from […]

Delays as main border road closed for urgent repair

FERMANAGH motorists are facing a tough month ahead with diversions and delays expected due to improvement works on two busy local roads. The main Lisnaskea to Cavan road has been closed at Wattlebridge since Monday this week for much-needed improvement works. The road between Derrylin and Kinawley has also been closed at Stragowna for resurfacing […]

Flu vaccine

No shortage of flu vaccine, patients told

THERE is no shortage of the flu vaccine this year, health officials have insisted, and anyone who needs to get it should contact their local surgery. There have been reports in recent days the vaccine was in short supply in the Fermanagh area. However, the Health and Social Care Board have said there is no […]


PLANS for Santa to appear at Erneside have had to be shelved because of social media complaints that his arrival clashes with Remembrance Day in Enniskillen. Fr Christmas and his reindeers were due to arrive at the centre this Sunday, however when this was announced at the weekend it was branded as “disgraceful” and “totally […]