
McKenzie takes silver in Tullamore

By Paul O’Neill

Over 1200 athletes from 369 schools fought it out for the 122 titles on offer at the Irish Schools’ Championships in Tullamore stadium last weekend.

The championships yielded one medal, a silver for Enniskillen Royal athlete Harry McKenzie.


Annabelle McKenzie was the first of the local athletes to compete, going in the Intermediate Girls’ 1500m Steeplechase.

McKenzie who is eligible to compete in this race for a further two years gave a great account of herself on only her second race over the barriers, crossing the line in 8th position in a time of 5.31.00, a full nine seconds quicker than she ran to finish 2nd in the Ulster Schools’ Finals a fortnight previous.

Another athlete new to this event is Jamie McDonnell. The St Michael’s athlete also set a massive personal best of 6.21.83, finishing 5th in the Senior Boys’ race over 2000m.

In the final event of Day 1, Charlie Reihill, who sat an A/S exam earlier in the day was content to record a personal best crossing the line in 16.11.84 for 11th position.

In the Senior Boys’ 800m, Frank Buchanan eventually finished 5th in what was an enthralling race.

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link


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