
New principal for Fermanagh school

THE new principal at the Erne Integrated College in Enniskillen has said he’s looking forward to playing a key role in the school’s ‘vibrant and successful history’.

After stepping into the temporary principal post at Erne Integrated College following the retirement of Jimmy Jackson Ware, Darron McLaughlin has been confirmed as the new principal of the Fermanagh school.

A popular teacher at Erne Integrated College, Mr McLaughlin joined the teaching staff in 2018 as a science teacher.


Since joining the team at Erne Integrated, Mr McLaughlin has held leadership roles in both science and careers departments, most recently reintroducing the work experience programme for Year 11 students.

He’s looking forward to his new chapter at the Fermanagh school.

“I am delighted to have been given the privilege of leading Erne Integrated College with such a dedicated, caring and supportive staff,” said Mr McLaughlin.

“The college has such a vibrant and successful history over the past thirty years, and I thank all of those involved during that time.

“I see the future of Erne Integrated College as an environment where everyone is valued equally, success and improvement are celebrated and all students can achieve to the best of their ability.”

Chairperson of Erne Integrated College, Ellen McVea, congratulated Mr McLaughlin on his appointment.

“On behalf of the Board of Governors, I am pleased to announce that, after a competitive process, Darron McLaughlin has been appointed to the position of principal of Erne Integrated College on a permanent basis,” she said.


“Darron has been doing an excellent job, fulfilling the role of acting principal since the retirement of the previous principal Jimmy Jackson Ware in August 2023, and his appointment assures continuity and the ongoing success of the college.

“2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Erne Integrated College by local parents and September will begin a year of consolidation and celebration of all that has been achieved in those three decades.”

Mr McLaughlin has 27 years of teaching experience, starting off his career in London in 1996, before going on to teach at Lagan College and Integrated College Dungannon.

He also worked at CCMS [Council For Catholic Maintained Schools] and voluntary grammar schools. He has lived in Enniskillen since 1998.

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