
The stakes are high for Garrity and his team

“The girls know the stakes and we’re going to have to regroup very quickly and put in a performance that can get us over the line,” was manager Jonny Garrity’s succinct summary of the position his side are now in, following Sunday’s defeat. 
When asked for his reaction, Garrity said; 
“One of intense frustration and disappointment that we didn’t get the job done.
“There’s a real feeling of frustration today that this is one that we let slip. We could have done better with several of their players and if we’d done that, I think the game was there for us.
“We’ve got a second bite at the cherry this weekend but undoubtedly there are issues in our performance that will need to be rectified before then.
“Defensively, if you concede five goals, you can’t expect to win a game, but that’s not to say that it’s defenders only I’m talking about but defensively, we do need to improve for this weekend.”
Fermanagh will now play Longford in their final battle to stay in the Intermediate Championship and Garrity knows the areas that they need to improve upon.
“Going forward, we’ve shown we can hurt teams, but again, some of the decision making can improve and help us become that wee bit more potent.”
Fermanagh had an uphill battle on Sunday after conceding two early goals but Garrity says; “The spirit and character of the team, I never question it, the collective unity within the squad is just unbelievable.
“They keep coming back, they’re never beat but at the same time, in any game of football, you can’t be giving two goals away at the start, leaving you with a mountain to climb.
“Every time we were climbing back at them, we seemed to give away another goal, that made all the endeavour and all that hard work unfortunately be in vain.”
To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link