Derrygonnelly booked their place in the county final with an accomplished display against a youthful St Patrick’s outfit in Kinawley last Saturday.
Beauty Blog: Nail action for cancer charity
Catherine McCurry caught up with some students who raised money for Action Cancer last week…
Skins suffer first league defeat
After a pleasing bonus point win over Lisburn last Saturday Enniskillen 1st XV were brought harshly down to earth at the weekend with a 23-8 defeat to Randalstown
REVIEW: Kat’s show a ‘must see’
Caoilfhionn Maguire reviews Kat Woods’ Belfast Boy at the Edinburgh Fringe festival. The Enniskillen-born director is taking the show home on November 1…
Leaders in Business lunch
02 Leaders in Business Networking Lunch With over 60 businesses from throughout Fermanagh in attendance, the annual 02 Leaders in Business Networking Lunch has become the premier event for making new contacts in the county: Venue: The Westville Hotel / Date: Friday 2nd October / Time: 12noon to 2pm Guests: Nick Leeson & Paul Clark […]
Batty chat at Crom!
IF YOU HAVEN’T experienced a Bat Night at Crom, don’t miss the return of Bat detectives on Thursday August 28 at 8pm.
Four teenagers arrested after iconic cottage gutted by fire
The summer house at Florencecourt House estate has been destroyed by fire
Beauty Blog: Lean, mean and tough
Our beauty blogger Catherine McCurry takes a look at the benefits of protein shakes WHETHER you are kicking off into the world of fitness or you’re an old pro at following an active lifestyle, you all would have heard about protein shakes, vitamins and supplements. There’s a lot of taboo surrounding women who take […]
CCTV linked to fall in town centre crime figures
CRIME is again down in Enniskillen town centre after Fermanagh District Council published their 2013/2014 CCTV Annual Report.