
Fermanagh woman admits Class A drugs charges

AN IRVINESTOWN woman who dropped a bag of cocaine while running from police has admitted possession of a Class A drug.

Laura McDonagh (32) of Brownhill Meadows appeared at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday where she pleaded guilty to possession of Class A drugs and obstructing police in their search for drugs.

The charges related to an incident on February 15, 2023 when police on the Enniskillen Road in Irvinestown stopped a Volkswagen Passat and spoke to the driver, McDonagh.


Noticing what they suspected to be the smell of cannabis, the officers informed McDonagh they wanted to search her car but she would not let them do so.

McDonagh then got out of the car and started to run away, and while doing so a bag fell from her that contained what turned out to be £550 of cocaine.

The officers called after her to stop running as she had dropped the bag.

When arrested McDonagh replied ‘no comment’ to questioning, except to say she hadn’t seen the bag and could not say what it contained.

District Judge Austin Kennedy ordered McDonagh to engage with Probation Services for the purposes of a pre-sentence report.

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