Just one thing! With Deborah Hunter

For Just One Thing this week we concentrate on sleep. Deborah Hunter is a Western Trust band 7 nurse who, when she is not helping out at the vaccination programme, works at the Health Improvement Department within the Trust. As always, if you feel Deborah’s is the Just One Thing you need to help you […]

Just one thing! With Dr Anne Monaghan

IN THIS our third week of Just One Thing – the Fermanagh Herald feature that encourages readers to engage in one thought or one action every week for the rest of lockdown – we are excited to bring you the expertise of Ederney yoga instructor, Dr Anne Monaghan PhD. We explained to Anne that people […]

Just one thing! With Eileen McGovern

THIS week for ‘Just One Thing’ we are pleased to bring the inimitable positivity of Teemore-based nutritionist, Eileen McGovern. Eileen spent some time wandering the paths of natural health and well-being on her own personal nutritional journey. Through studying the benefits of healthy eating and practising what she learned along the way, Eileen now offers […]

Just one thing! With Fr Brian Darcy

WE WILL soon be entering the 12th month of the 2020/21 global Covid-19 pandemic. The weeks are long and emotions are tested. It feels like the goalposts are forever moving and hopes are constantly raised and dashed. Things feel out of our control and it’s hard to keep morale high when what started off as […]