New Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster has Fermanagh links

A LARGE crowd turned out to a leading church in London for the official ordination of the new Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster who has strong links and family connections to Fermanagh. The Right Reverend James Curry, who’s parents were from Kinawley, was ordained as Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Titular Bishop of Ramsbury, at Westminster Cathedral in London […]

COLUMN: Michael Hand – The meaning of faith

I DON’T like the term ‘to lose your faith’. It implies an element of carelessness, like losing your car keys or your wallet. I prefer to think about it as faith evolving. In my case, I no longer believe the rigid set of beliefs that was imposed on me when I was young. I have […]

Net Ministry team brings faith and joy to the people

WHILE the outbreak of Covid-19 continues to have a great impact on us all, the arrival of the NET Ministry Team here in Fermanagh has certainly given locals young and old across the Parish of Aghalurcher something extra to smile about during a time when it is needed most. NET stands for National Evangelisation Teams and the […]