Fracking research to continue despite opposition

DESPITE the strong local opposition to fracking in Fermanagh being repeated time and time again, Economy Minister Diane Dodds appears intent on continuing with “research” on the practice here in the county. As reported in the Herald last week, the consultancy firm hired by the Department of the Economy to carry out the research into […]

Everyone in North to receive £100 high street voucher

Every person in Northern Ireland aged 18 and over will be eligible to apply for a pre-paid card worth £100 to spend in their local high street, Economy Minister Diane Dodds announced today. The gift card will be available to apply for through an online portal, with the voucher only able to be used at […]

Protesters not sold on change of tack by mining company

NEWS the company hoping to drill for gas in Fermanagh has removed the ‘fracking’ element of its exploration licence application has been met with suspicion locally. However, the strong opposition shown in the Assembly last week to the issuing of any such licences has been warmly welcomed. Last week Finance Minister Diane Dodds, who had […]