
Play Gym is a hit with infants and parents

By Jasmin Swift

YOU’RE never too young to get started on your Olympic career!

While the ‘Play Gym’ class at Bridge Gymnastics in Enniskillen is not a serious athletic training programme for newborns and toddlers, the classes are proving a big hit with parents who find introducing their babies to gymnastics at such a young age is a great boost to both their development and social skills.

Running every Monday and Friday at 10am for children from birth up to three years old, coach Riona Trotter said the classes “are a brilliant way for kids to develop their communication and coordination skills.”

Business owner, Naoisa McAree began the ‘Play Gym’ classes with the intention of creating a space where “parents can get their kids active while also meeting and speaking with other parents who have kids of a similar age.”

The classes act as a means of socialising for both children and parents, with mother of Lily Phair, a frequent visitor to the ‘Play Gym’, explaining how they have became “very popular” in recent times.

From balance beams to bars, a bouncy trampoline and an abundance of floor equipment, your children will never get bored of what Bridge Gymnastics has to offer. Coach Jaymee Russell expressed how “vitally important” it is for parents to get their children involved in classes such as these, as they “help with their overall development.”

Mother Nicole West, whose children Heidi and Olly visit the classes regularly, explained how, since her daughter was a “Covid baby”, the classes had helped her “come out of her shell” following the pandemic.

Parents can be assured that the staff of Bridge Gymnastics will always give them a warm welcome and facilitate any of their needs or concerns, as coach Michelle Trotter reported this was one of their “top priorities”.

By simply visiting the Bridge Gymnastics Facebook page and completing an online booking via ‘Class4Kids’, you and your young ones can experience these terrific classes too. Not only does it allow for parents and children to make lasting memories, it introduces them into the world of gymnastics one small step at a time.

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link… Subscribe to current edition


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