
Probation for Kesh man who assaulted police officer

A KESH man who pleaded guilty to a number of offences – including assaulting a police officer – will have to complete a total of 140 hours community service.

Peter Crossan, 28, of Mantlin Road, Kesh, appeared at Enniskillen Magistrates Court via videolink from Maghaberry prison for sentencing.

He was also facing charges of resisting police and disorderly behaviour as well as improper use of public communications in a charge relating to a separate incident.


The Court heard that on February 19 at 5.55pm, police received a report that Crossan had gone missing.

Officers later found him in a car with Crossan being surrounded by beer cans. The defendant proceeded to tell the officers to “f*** off you b*******” and hit one officer with a punch while swinging at another.

A week later, the Court also heard that Crossan phoned 999 to tell police that his father in Belfast had gone missing. The matter was investigated and turned out to be a hoax call from the defendant.

Defending barrister, Steffan Rafferty, told the Court that based on the probation and psychiatric reports done ahead of sentencing, his client would benefit from supervision which would add a structure to his daily routine.

District Judge Alana McSorley said: “There is no doubt that the defendant is a man with significant difficulties and that his issues with alcohol need to be addressed.”

Crossan was given a combined total of 140 hours community service and a two-year probation order.

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