Even table plans get a unique and fashionable twist
With each wedding I attend there is always some new and fashionable theme or prop that people are using.
Whether it be a photo booth with wigs and inflatable microphones, floral bunting or memory trees for your guests to leave messages on it seems like Fermanagh brides are pushing the boat out more and more to have the most trend setting wedding.
This year I have six weddings to attend and as I write this I am preparing for the most important one of the year as I will be bridesmaid for my friend Claire Beacom who marries my boyfriend Kyle’s brother Glen McCleery.
As bridesmaid it is my duty to ensure that Claire has everything she needs, whether that be a tissue to dry her eyes after saying her vows or a dash of lip gloss for her photos. However, because fashion is my thing my main contribution will be to ensure that every last detail is filled with style.
The last minute details are always the most stressful in my opinion because I am such a perfectionist and everything needs to be right. Last minute details like ensuring your tan is just right, your hair is clean for your up style and that you have cleansed, toned and moisturised so your skin is in tip top shape for your makeup.
As an extra little fashionable touch for the wedding I thought it would be nice to give Claire a gift on her wedding day. I also did this for my sister and thought it was a nice touch as traditionally the bride will give her bridesmaids a gift such as jewellery to thank them for being there on the day. As well as that the bride and groom will usually get the mother of the bride and mother of the groom a small gift. In all this gift giving I feel it is only fair that the bride should get something on her big day.
It is quite fashionable nowadays for the bride to have a nice new fancy bottle of perfume to wear on the first day of her new life. For Claire it was only the best, a classic and elegant perfume that suited her sense of style; Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel. I also decided to make her something personal so I made her a bridal fabric wreath in the bridal party colours with her and Glen’s initials and the date of their wedding attached.
Some other last minute touches that I thought were a good idea were flat sandals for the evening time as standing all day can take its toll on your feet. We are spoilt for choice at the moment when it comes to flat sandals and shoes. You can get some really pretty flats and although I prefer heels for more formal occasions a cute pair of flats can make all the difference when you have a long night of dancing ahead of you.
It is all the little touches like this that help to make a wedding not just memorable but also that little bit different and unique. It is probably best not to get too bogged down in the details because at the end of the day it is the celebration of love between two people and having the most important people around you that makes the day truly memorable.