Growth Through Export Award
This award offers applicants the opportunity to receive recognition for the growth in their business through export during the last two years. Judges will consider growth in export sales to countries outside Northern Ireland (more credence will be attached to export sales to countries outside GB).
Applicants will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Export sales growth
• Percentage of export business
• Strategies for growth
Please note: Your application should be restricted to less than 750 words. Feel free to copy the questions into a word document and once you have the answers completed return to this page and paste them in. There is no autosave option with this form (scroll down for the form).

Launching the Growth through Export Award are (L-R): Declan Devlin, 02 Enniskillen, Mary Gormley, Invest Northern Ireland and Maeve McKenna, Fermanagh Herald, advertising sales representative.
Entry for this award is now closed