The 2012 Lady of the Lake Keri Robinson with her family – (sister) Wendy Parker; (mum) Ann Robinson; Keri; (twin sister) Kim; and (sister) Julie Beacom
THIS year’s ‘Lady of the Lake’ Festival, in Irvinestown will run from Thursday, 11th July through to Sunday, 21st July.
Now in its 35th year, the festival attracts an estimated 50,000-plus over the period.
It was left to the children of the two local primary schools, Irvinestown PS and St. Paul’s to come up with a festival theme, and the overwhelming choice was, “the G8 Summit”.
Lisa Wallace, the festival chairman said the theme, being a topical one, would and assists her committee in providing more variety in the planning of the programme.
“Over the many years, we have entertained visitors from the G8 member countries, and we look forward to celebrating that achievement.”
And, in keeping with this international theme, a balloon race will run throughout the festival, with a prize on offer for the furthest distance travelled.
A new community facebook page, “The Lady of the Lake Festival” has been set up for ongoing information and feedback. It also provides the opportunity for “facebook followers” to suggest new events/activities.
And, a twitter feed has also been put in place @Lady_Lake_Fest for more instant news!
A special project for 2013, is a Festival TV channel on You Tube entitled, ‘IrvinestownFest TV’, where a team of volunteers will carry out filming and report from across the festival events to be broadcast each day on the festival TV channel.
While there is a lot of the usual events, the festival committee will welcome any events people would like included in the programme.
They can contact – Lisa Wallace at 07730 345452, or Joe Mahon (the festival vice chairman) at 02868621656.