A FERMANAGH mother-of-one has said she “solely relies on our family” to provide childcare as the ongoing cost of the service worryingly soars throughout the North. An increasing number of local parents have been forced to give up work or take a break from employment as childcare costs continue to rise rapidly and have a major […]
Fermanagh Pensioner struggling to heat rooms
A FERMANAGH pensioner who has lost their Winter Fuel Payment fears she may have to “go cap in hand to a charity” and ask for help after she’s only able to heat two rooms in her home. An estimated 249,000 pensioners in the North, who are not in receipt of pension credit or other means-tested benefits, […]
Fermanagh pensioners ‘struggling to cope’
LOCAL pensioners are being urged to apply for “one of the most underclaimed benefits” by this Monday, to help cope with the loss of winter fuel payment. The manager at Community Advice Fermanagh has said changes to the Winter Fuel Payment is “another blow” to local elderly residents who have been left devastated by the […]
Ill mother struggling to cope with lack of support
A FERMANAGH mother has said she is struggling to cope with caring for her adult son with learning disabilities, without any support, while also having to travel to Derry for treatment for her own health conditions. The local woman and her partner recently had to fork out £400 to travel to Altnagelvin in the middle […]