Fivemiletown Primary School & nursery fun run

LOCAL runners were out in force recently for the Fivemiletown Annual Fun Run. Fivemiletown Primary School & Nursery PTFA held its third annual 5km and 5 mile Fun Run and Walk around Fivemiletown with over 300 participants of all ages taking part. Many families dressed up and took part in a Superheroes & Fairies Trail through […]

Fermanagh doctors featured in WWII Roll of Honour

FERMANAGH doctors who served in World War II, including a pioneering Enniskillen man who transformed breakfast tables across the globe, have been commemorated in a new book. Dr Denis Burkitt, of Laragh, Ballinamallard, is among the doctors celebrated in ‘Irish Doctors in the Second World War’ by Patrick J Casey, Kevin T Cullen and Joe P Duigan. The book contains […]

Groceries still high despite inflation fall

THE price of essential grocery items are continuing to fall but shoppers and residents in Fermanagh and across the North are still facing “significant pressures” to support their households. While the cost of living crisis is continuing to be prominent in today’s society, it has recently been revealed that the rate at which prices on […]

SuperCupNI holds special memories for supporter Ronnie

FOR Fermanagh supporter Ronnie Kernaghan, whose son Tadhg is playing in his second tournament this year, SuperCupNI holds a special place for him having also played, albeit briefly, in the tournament itself. He will be one of many Fermanagh supporters making an exodus from the county next week to watch wall to wall youth football at […]

New Rotary President champions Action for Children

The new President of the Rotary Club of Enniskillen has chosen Action for Children as his charity of choice during his term in office. Kerr Fulton-Peebles began his role on 1 July and has already established strong links with the charity, which is heavily involved in supporting people in the local area. Kerr recently visited Action […]

Anything to declare… a reflection on the border

FERMANAGH’S Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre has produced a creative arts project called “Anything to Declare”, which will take place across a range of sites in the village of Swanlinbar. This inventive thought-provoking project involves the commissioning of four artists presenting five complimentary/unique pieces of work. The project will encourage reflection on the border between the north and south […]