A 27-year-old man caught speeding at 100mph through a village thought a “known Fermanagh criminal” was chasing him, however it later emerged it was an unmarked police car.
Uninsured driver tried to swap seats with girlfriend
A 46-year-old Enniskillen driver caught by police without a licence or insurance tried to avoid detection by switching seats with his girlfriend.
Threw curry chip over police car
A 28-year-old Enniskillen man who threw a curry chip over a police car after consuming ‘alcohol in excess’ has given a two month custodial sentence suspended for 12 months.
Lisbellaw man kicked police officer in the groin
A LISBELLAW man who kicked a policeman in the groin has been detained under the mental health order, Fermanagh court has heard.
Man accused of unprovoked attack on ‘innocent man’ threatened to ‘put him in a body bag’
A 25-year-old Enniskillen man accused of an unprovoked attack in Lisnaskea in which he forced the injured party to withdraw £100 from a cash machine and made threats to shoot and put him in a body bag has been denied bail.
Driver (76) knocked down 77-year-old shopper
A 76-year-old driver who knocked down a 77-year-old woman pushing a shopping trolley outside Tesco has been fined £250 and given six penalty points.
Aspiring hairdresser stole money from Sinn Fein office
A 25-year-old student, who stole money from the Enniskillen Sinn Fein office clothes and the DV8 fashion shop has been ordered to pay £160 restitution.
Nurse punched by ‘hallucinating’ patient at hospital
A 50-year-old man who punched a nurse in the chest claimed he was experiencing hallucinations moments before the attack, Fermanagh Court has heard.
Judge sceptical about farmer’s claim to have lost 1,000 sheep
A sheep farmer from Kinawley, who claimed to have lost up 1,000 of his flock, has been fined £3,000 after he was caught with hundreds of illegally imported sheep from the South.
Drug addict tore apart his own home to feed habit
A 24-year-old man who caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to his council property in an attempt to make money to feed his drug habit received just £30, Fermanagh court has heard.