Man who threatened to shoot stepson told to stay away

A BELLEEK man convicted of threatening to shoot his step-son in the head during a row at their home has been ordered to stay away from his victim. David Dillon (71) of Main Street, Belleek appeared at Enniskillen Magistrates Court for sentencing on Monday. He previously contested charges of threats to kill, possession of an […]

Enniskillen man spared jail for one-punch attack

AN ENNISKILLEN man who assaulted a father over a misunderstanding about a child has been given a suspended prison sentence. Michael Carey (27) of Derrin Park pleaded guilty to common assault at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday. On June 19th last a child was seen wandering on Rossory Road calling “mommy, mommy.” The child was […]

Man fined after coming off moped at roundabout

A 45-year-old man has been fined for careless driving after coming off his moped at a roundabout during what he called a “lapse of concentration”. William McIntyre of Coleshill Crescent in Enniskillen represented himself when he appeared before Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday to face the charge. The court was told that on 13th November […]

Window broken after street fight breaks out

AN ENNISKILLEN man who claimed a window had been broken when he moved out of the way of someone trying to hit him has been given community service. Niall Johnston (22) of Windmill Heights pleaded guilty to criminal damage at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday. On July 9 last year police were called to an […]

Drunk driver told police his name was Jack Daniels

AN ENNISKILLEN man told police his name was Jack Daniels and that he had a gun “up his arse” after he was stopped for drink driving.  Paul Russell (50) of Drumbawn, Drumclay pleaded guilty to drunk driving, failing to provide a specimen of breath, and disorderly behaviour at Enniskillen Magistrates Court last Wednesday.  The charges […]

Publican is warned over late drinking

A TEMPO publican has been warned if he is found to be serving alcohol after hours again he risks losing his liquor licence. Rory Foy (28) of Claranagh Road, and licensee at the Milltown Manor in the village, appeared at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to allowing alcohol to be consumed […]

Driver caught using mobile phone for a third time

A MAGUIRESBRIDGE man has been warned by a judge that if he’s caught using his phone while driving one more time he will be banned from the road. Frank Dunne (42) of Gardiners Cross Road, Maguiresbridge appeared at Enniskillen Magistrates Court charged with driving while using a mobile phone and failing to produce his driving […]

Drink driver urinated at forecourt while filling up car

A BELLEEK man who urinated in a garage forecourt as he filled up his car while drink driving has been banned from driving for one year. George McAndrews (50) of Blackrock Park in Belleek appeared before Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday to face two charges of driving with excess alcohol and indecent behaviour in a […]

Hospital staff refused to treat drunken thug

An 18-year-old man has been warned that he faces going to prison if he is abusive towards hospital staff again in the future. Brandon Gillen of Willowvale in Enniskillen appeared before Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Monday for sentencing after being charged with nine offences on two separate dates. The court heard that in the first […]