THERE are fresh fears for the future of services at SWAH after it was revealed the Western Trust has to find £20 million in savings by early next year. Once again the people of Fermanagh are gearing up for a battle against health cuts after it emerged the Western Trust has been told it urgently […]

An extra hour in bed but time ticking on clock changes

WE ARE about to enter day lights savings time, with the clocks going back this Saturday night, October 27th. That means an extra hour in bed for everyone! That small joy could be dwarfed by the ever pervasive shadow of Brexit, though. As reported in the Herald previously, the EU has now formally decided to […]


Southern pump prices set to remain cheaper than North

MANY may have thought the massive carbon tax announced in last week’s budget in Dublin would eventually lead to an end to traditionally lower southern fuel prices.  However, one local fuel trader has explained to the Herald how little will actually change at the pumps, and warned a carbon tax could soon be introduced here […]


SWAH may lose day surgeries to specialist centres

PLANS are currently in motion that could see a swathe of different day surgeries taken out of SWAH, resulting in local patients having to travel to specialist centres instead.  Already many Fermanagh patients have had their cataract surgeries moved to Magherafelt as part of the Department of Health’s Elective Care Plan.  Similarly, all varicose vein […]


Roslea rubbish poses real threat of rat invasion

THERE are fears of a rat invasion, and even a toxic leak, at the site of ongoing industrial-scale dumping near Roslea, putting local health at risk.  For many years Spring Grove forest, which is on the border with Monaghan, has been a the target of illegal dumping. The problem appears to be getting worse in […]


Van is used as battering ram in ATM robbery

A FRONT of local shop was completely destroyed at the weekend after brazen criminals rammed it with a van in an attempt to reach its cash machine inside.  The would be thieves left empty handed from their attempted raid on the ATM at the Co-op convenience store on the town’s Main Street in the early […]

I was wrong to vote for Brexit, says McCluskey

AFTER the revelation at a recent Brexit committee meeting from Cllr John McCluskey that he had voted for to leave the EU, the Herald got in touch with the Roslea councillor to find out why and if he would vote the same way again.  Cllr McCluskey’s answer was a resounding ‘no.’ Explaining that he voted […]