
Man who bit and choked his mother returned for trial

AN Enniskillen man has been returned for trial accused of attacking his parents on New Year’s Eve when he allegedly choked his mother at knifepoint and threatened to kill her.
Appearing fir a committal hearing was Blaine Jamie Duffy (30) from Drumbawn Close, is charged with intentionally applying pressure to his mother’s throat affecting her ability to breathe or the flow of blood to her brain, threatening to kill her and possessing a knife as well as assaulting his father and a police officer.
A detective constable previously explained police attended Duffy’s parents address at around 10.30am on December 31 following a report from NI Ambulance Service.
Duffy’s mother claimed he arrived at the house apparently intoxicated and smashed a carton of milk on the kitchen floor. When she said she was contacting police, Duffy grabbed her by the face and shouted, “You’re nothing but a tout, a scumbag and a useless mother.”
He took a knife and held it to her cheek causing it to bleed while squeezing her throat saying, “I’m going to kill you.” Hearing the commotion Duffy’s father entered and said, “Look at your ma’s face”. Duffy replied, “Do you want to see blood?” before grabbing his mother again by the face and biting her chin.
The father pulled Duffy away however he fought back, attempting to bite his father’s face, who began experiencing chest pains. The mother made attempts to phone an ambulance, but Duffy repeatedly terminated these calls, thinking she was ringing police. He left the property but returned and again threatened to kill his mother.
Objecting to bail a detective pointed to a risk of reoffending and witness interference stating, “The defendant has 63 criminal convictions showing a propensity for violence. He continues to offend even though he is on bail for other matters and has a blatant disregard for conditions.
His parents offered their home as a bail address following a previous incident when he allegedly attacked another person with a knife. Bail conditions have not been effective in managing the risks he poses. He received a suspended sentence for previous offences against his parents and there is a significant domestic history, so there are major concerns following this incident.”
When asked if he wished to say anything in answer to the charges Duffy said, “How is there a case if there’s no statements? How can that go to crown court?” Judge McSorley remanded him in continuing custody to appear for arraignment at Dungannon Crown Court on June 18.

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