
Herald’s Christmas Toy Appeal with SVP

As the holiday season approaches, the spirit of giving and compassion takes centre stage. It’s a time when we come together as a community to spread warmth, kindness, and love. This Christmas, the Fermanagh Herald is excited to announce our partnership with the Saint Vincent de Paul charity for a special initiative – our Christmas Toy Appeal.

While we cherish the twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the joy that Christmas brings, it’s crucial to remember that not every family can afford the same luxuries. For many families in our community, Christmas is a time of financial strain, where the pressure to provide gifts and create a memorable holiday can be overwhelming. Our Christmas Toy Appeal aims to alleviate some of this burden by collecting gifts for children who might otherwise go without.

Fermanagh Hearld Editor Ray Sanderson commented; “The Fermanagh Herald is at the heart of our local community; we know the cost-of-living crisis hasn’t been easy for local families to overcome with bills continuing to rise. This Christmas we are pleased to have teamed up with Fermanagh St Vincent de Paul to help local families in need and to ensure no child wakes up without a toy on Christmas Day.

Our sister title the Ulster Herald ran this initiative incredibly successfully last year in Omagh and we know the people of Fermanagh will support this initiative with the same spirit of generosity.’’

We are reaching out to our readers and the wider community to make a real difference in the lives of children aged 2 to 12 years old. We’re asking for boxed toys that will bring joy to the faces of these children on Christmas morning.

Fermanagh SVP Representative Martha Smyth from St Vincent de Paul, who has been working with the charity for almost 30 years said, “We are very grateful for the donations that we receive from the public in Fermanagh to distribute to the needy all over the county.

“We’ve been involved in the Toy Appeal for several years now and I believe that families and children really appreciate the toys they receive over the festive season.

“This year we are delighted to be linking with the Fermanagh Herald on the appeal and we hope to cover all areas of the county for Christmas.”

Martha explains that the charity is fining more and more requests from the working poor.

“We are taking more and more requests from people who are working long hours to make ends meet, but are finding it very difficult in these difficult times. One unexpected bill coming through the letterbox can make all the difference to their budget, so initiatives like this go a long way to helping them get through a difficult period.

We will also be accepting cash donations. Which will be spent locally, ensuring that even more children can experience the magic of Christmas. From babies to teenagers, we want to bring smiles to every face. If you are a local business who would like us to visit you to spend our cash donations and could perhaps offer a discount to make the money go further please register your interest by emailing

Donations can be dropped off at the Fermanagh Herald office. Our collection will continue until the 20th of December. This gives everyone ample time to participate and make a real impact. If you’re wondering what to buy, think of the toys that would bring joy to your own children or the children in your life. Remember, it’s the season of giving, and every contribution, no matter the size, can make a child’s Christmas brighter.

Your support means the world to us, and more importantly, to the children who will receive your gifts. Together, we can create a memorable and meaningful Christmas for all.


DROP OFF POINT: Rooney’s Post Office & Gift Store, 35 Main Street, Belleek, Co.Fermanagh
