
Corrigan and Timoney bid for place at European Champs

This week, Fermanagh rowers Ross Corrigan and Nathan Timoney will trial in Italy as they bid to to book their place in the Irish four boat, at the European Championships which take place from May 25-28 in Slovenia.

With five rowers competing for the four spots, the Fermanagh duo will have to be at their best but Kinawley man Corrigan, is hoping their hard work will pay off;

“They try to teach us to never be 100 per cent confident but I feel like, coming from the four last year and the work I’ve put in, it should stand to me.


“We’re all tough and we’re all fast. I just have to get in there and do what I’ve done before and take my seat, like I have before. So I’d be fairly confident in myself from what I’ve done and where I am at the minute but at the end of the day, it’s just about finding the fastest four.”

It is relatively early in the season and the Europeans will be used as a benchmark for the Irish boat to assess where they are in terms of competitiveness.

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