
Unwell Enniskillen mother flown from Croatia to Belfast

AN Enniskillen woman who fell seriously ill while travelling on a religious pilgrimage last week and was hospitalised in Dubrovnik, Croatia is now recovering at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
Jennifer Tierney, 73, left on a Marian Pilgrimage to Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina with her husband Dermot, and their daughter, Orla Humphreys. The group of 14 people were on a flight from Dublin Airport to Dubrovnik when the medical emergency took place.
Jennifer fell unconscious during the flight and was taken to hospital in Dubrovnik.
“We were able to get her home by air ambulance on Sunday,” she said. “On Thursday, our health insurance confirmed that they would cover the cost to get mum home.
“Unfortunately, we can’t see her now for 10 days as someone has tested positive for Covid in the hospital. But from the minute she arrived in the hospital, you knew she was going to get the care that she needed.
“At least she’s at home and being well looked after.”
Jennifer is currently in a stable condition.
Doctors in Dubrovnik had ruled out that Jennifer had a stroke while on the flight and believed she had encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain caused by an infection or an autoimmune response.
However, doctors at the Royal Victoria Hospital are carrying out further tests.
“They are starting from scratch again in Belfast as they did not receive many details from the hospital in Dubrovnik. We’re hoping to get a clearer picture of what’s going on over the next few days,” Orla said.
“The care she was getting in Dubrovnik was nowhere as good as this.”
A JustGiving page that was set up for Jennifer and her family has raised more than £12,000.
“We are all very humbled and amazed by the support we’ve been given,” Orla said.
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