
Fermanagh Feis set to celebrate 60th anniversary

THIS year, the Fermanagh Feis will celebrate a remarkable milestone.

In 1962, the first ever Feis competition was held in Fermanagh, providing young people with the chance to perform against their fellow county folk in music, dance, poetry and song to win the coveted medals and trophies.

Now, over six decades later, a special Feis Ceili night is planned to celebrate the legacy of the Fermanagh Feis.

On Saturday, musicians from all over the country will take to Pat’s Bar in Enniskillen for a musical session, showcasing performances from former Fermanagh Feis winners.

John McCann, the percussionist with The Tumbling Paddies and a multiple All-Ireland Button Accordion champion, was one of a number of Fermanagh musicians to have taken part in the Fermanagh Feis.

John recalls his earliest memories of competing in the Fermanagh Feis.

“I remember the first time that I competed in the Feis vividly,” he said.

“It was 2008 and I competed in the tin whistle and I have nothing but fantastiic memories from it.”

John feels that the Fermanagh Feis gives young musicians an opportunity to perform in the arts at a high level in the county and he hopes that it will return in the near future.

“I got great support and feedback and that ultimately led me to competing in Fleadh Cheoils all over Ireland,” said John.

Fermanagh Feis Ceili is set to take place on Monday night at Pat’s Bar at 7.30pm.
