
A victory would be very sweet for Treacy

FIRST and foremost, Ger Treacy is a Fermanagh man. A Fermanagh man living in Tyrone but there’s no question that his roots are firmly embedded in Fermanagh GAA.

On Saturday night, you’ll find him on the sideline with Kieran Donnelly and not for the first time.

Back in 2011, Treacy was part of Peter Canavan’s backroom team alongside Donnelly and Niall Smyth, and bar Canavan, the band is back together!

Asked why he got back involved, Treacy simply says;

“Two words– Kieran Donnelly.

“I suppose, added to that is my passion for Fermanagh GAA. However, I hadn’t intended being back or being involved and it never crossed my mind I suppose until Kieran was appointed. I have been friendly with Kieran for 20 years, maybe longer, like 25 years.”

Ger Treacy’s involvement goes beyond the team, he is the Club Eirne chairman too, as well as chairman of his own club, Beragh Red Knights and his ‘day job’ as Project Manager with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs brings with it a huge workload.

Despite this, the Garrison native wholeheartedly committed to the Fermanagh cause once more;

“I have plenty on my plate” admits Ger, “but Kieran wanted me to be a part of the team. He felt that I could bring a lot to the management team and he didn’t take no for an answer. I suppose it is a privilege to be involved with your county, so I gave in and agreed to give him a shot out at it and I am glad that I did.”

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