
Fermanagh boss left to rue costly mistakes

RYAN McMenamin left Owenbeg on Saturday evening feeling bitterly disappointed as he watched his side succumb to a 19-point defeat at the hands of his former Erne boss Rory Gallagher.
Last week, Fermanagh left Brewster Park on a high and full of confidence after defeating the reigning Ulster Champions Cavan in an epic one point victory. 
This week McMenamin was ruing a number of mistakes which cost Fermanagh at key moments of the game.
“We got a great start but that’s it, the joys of the league. One minute you are a hero and you are basking in the glory for a week and now there will be a lot of pessimism around it. We had a few silly mistakes whenever we had chances and we had a couple of goal chances ourselves and we didn’t take them.
“We are disappointed, not with the boys as the boys tried, but just with the silly mistakes especially after the start that we had. We had two points up and we could have pushed on.
To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link