
Ready to make a healthy change in your life?

IF SO you may be interested in attending #RETHINK resilience building workshops. Funded by the National Lottery Fund, the#RETHINK. Project aims to help people build resilience through the provision of a range of programmes and campaigns. these most challenging times as COVID has taken its toll in so many ways these workshops will help us improve our coping mechanisms and address issues people face daily.

The workshops are organised as part of #RETHINK’s annual campaign to help support and highlight the wellbeing struggle on our mental health during the COVID pandemic. At present research suggests that anxiety and depression has increased in our communities as we struggle to work from home, suffer from loneliness or have a young family to look after.

The workshops will be delivered by a team of experts in their field and cover a variety of subjects including, understanding, and coping with bereavement, motivation/coping, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and benefits/redundancy, which are all very relevant at present.

The #RETHINK programme also delivers a six-week programme to help develop coping strategies and improve wellbeing. The programme
involves learning tools and techniques that you will hopefully find useful to help create a happy and healthier lifestyle.

The course focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect our feelings and behaviour and teaches you coping skills for dealing with difficult problems. It helps us gain tools to change unhelpful ways of responding in difficult situations.

This Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach is a psycho- social intervention that aims to improve mental health. CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful thinking and behaviours, improving our emotions, and helps to develop personal coping strategies that target solving current
problems and have many benefits in our day-to-day life.

#RETHINK is a partnership programmeled ARC Healthy Living Centre, Business in the Community and Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum. For
further information or to book a place, go online to ARC Healthy Living Centre (
