
Business Profile: Terri McCanny

Name: Terri Mc Canny

Business Name: By TMC: Health and Fitness, Push Fitness and Colebrooke Fitness

Business Location: We have 3 different sites in Fermanagh, our first gym is on the Cornagrade road (Health and Fitness), our second gym is situated in the Killyhelvin Industrial estate and our newest venue is located in the beautiful grounds of Colebrooke Estate.


How long have you been in business? We opened Health and Fitness on the first of March 2018 so its been a crazy two and a half years.

How many staff do you employ? Eleven legends, seriously we have such fun as a team and everyone has a genuine desire to help people through health and fitness.

What would you say are your strengths? Good communicator, leader and never know when to give up.

What would you say are your weaknesses? Working at a million miles per hour, if you are working with or living with me, it could be very annoying. Plus never being on time!

How has Covid-19 affected your business? (Negatively & positively) Covid has impacted us across the board. During lockdown we provided online classes and our fitness community really kept each other going. The gyms have bounced back as well as can be expected. I
think everyone missed the social side to the gym, so it is great to be back.

What makes your business unique? Our goal is at the heart of everything we do, to positively impact as many people as possible through health & fitness. This goal drives every decision we make and also, we have so much craic everyday with such a group of positive people.

Who has been the greatest influence on your life? (Aside from friends & family). I really can’t say any one person there are so many that inspire me but my biggest influence comes from my family.


What are your plans for the future? I’m not a big planner I like to do my best with what I’m doing and believe the next opportunities will come naturally.

What would your advice be for anyone starting out in your industry? Only do it if you really want to help people. Its not all squats and barbells in this job you really can change someone’s life so do not take it lightly.

How do you like to relax? I know its predictable, but exercise is my favourite way to unwind not always in the gym but out exploring with my wee family. Also love travelling eating out with friends and family.

What would you do if you won the lottery? I love my job and business so I would still work (do some of the crazy project ideas we have), do some more charity lead work and spoil my family and friends.

We might be limited in our travel at the moment but where is your favourite holiday destination? Believe it or not I’d have to say Rossnowalgh in Dongeal it’s such a special place. We spend a lot of time there and we love it surfing, barbequing and relaxing.

What do you miss most about Fermanagh when you are away? Family, friends and the amazing lakes and outdoors.

If you could swap lives with someone who would you choose and why? Maybe not swap life fully but I would love
to see what it is like to be a professional athlete or a manager at a top football club it would be awesome.

And finally take the chance to give a shout out to another local business who you think is doing great things (expand on why you’ve chosen them): I know I’m biased as its my brothers, but I have to say the Firehouse I love the food, atmosphere and service. My favourite place to eat out at the minute!

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