
Martina ensuring Sinn Fein’s message is heard

*Sponsored Content by Sinn Féin*

Sinn Féin’s all-Ireland team ensured that Europe knows and understand the impact Brexit will have on Ireland north and south.

SINN FÉIN has worked tirelessly to defend our people against the toxic Brexit agenda which threatens the Good Friday Agreement, undermines our rights and damages our economic future.

We stood up to the British Government and the DUP to secure a Backstop that protects the Good Friday Agreement and prevents any hardening of the border. That backstop is the bottom line and must be protected. Sinn Féin entered the renewed negotiations with the same positive approach – determined to see the Assembly restored and delivering for all citizens.

Sinn Féin’s all-Ireland team ensured that Europe knows and understand the impact Brexit will have on Ireland north and south and the unique political circumstances of the north of Ireland. Martina Anderson leads that team and has worked every day since the referendum to defend the interests of Ireland and make sure your voice is heard in Europe. She is the only MEP from the north to oppose Brexit. Sinn Féin ensured Europe recognises that the DUP does not speak for the majority here who oppose Brexit.

And we helped open a pathway for a reunified Ireland to automatically re-enter the EU. This election is about protecting those gains. It is about, once again, sending a loud and clear message to Europe that the North voted to remain. Make sure to use this opportunity to make your voice heard and sent that message to Europe and to the British government.

It is vital that people – from all communities – come out again to reject Brexit; to reject the huge damage it would cause to our economy, to our peace process and to every aspect of our lives in the north.
Send a clear message by electing Martina Anderson to continue to stand up for the people of the North against Brexit.

The EU is watching to see who is elected first in the North; an MEP who supports Brexit or one who will stand up for the rights of people and oppose Brexit. Ensure that message is heard by voting Martina!

*Sponsored Content by Sinn Féin*
