
St Kevin’s is now outperforming many grammar schools

NON-grammar schools in the Fermanagh area have recorded a strong A Level performance for 2019.

Four local secondary schools ranked in the top 100 performers, alongside three Enniskillen grammar schools.
The annual performance guide published by the Belfast Telegraph ranks all post-secondary schools where pupils sit A Level exams. Enniskillen Royal Grammar school was the top local school, sitting in 22nd position with 85.6 percent of pupils achieving three or more A Level A*-C grades.
The school had also jumped up the ranks having previously ranked 33rd in 2018. Mount Lourdes Grammar followed with 78.7 percent of pupils obtaining 3 or more A Level A*-C grades.
This year Mount Lourdes Grammar ranked 40th, a drop of five places on the previous year.
Across the county it was a positive jump for Fivemiletown College, ranking 76th. The school shot up the charts from 119th position the previous year.
Entering the league tables for the first time, ranked 82nd this year was St Kevin’s College. The Lisnaskea school has entered it’s first set of results following the merger of St Eugene’s College and St Comhghall’s College.
Gary Kelly principal at St Kevin’s College said, “In our first full year of our new school we are delighted that our A-Level Pupils of 2018 have achieved so highly, like our Year 12 pupils last year.
“This has been due to the full buy in and support of St Kevin’s by the whole community of south-east Fermanagh. Not forgetting the hard work, dedication and commitment of our teachers, staff, pupils and parents in ensuring these pupils have reached their full potential and have a bright future in front of them.”
Mr Kelly and the Board of Governors congratulated the former A Level pupils, adding that there are hopes that the Year 12 and Year 14 pupils of 2018/19 will do just as well.
Finishing the Fermanagh entries were three schools: Erne Integrated scored highly, jumping 71 places over the past year to now rank 85th overall. St Michael’s College followed in 86th position after dropping 48 places from 38th position in 2018.
In the past academic year 66.3 percent of A level pupils obtained 3 grades at A*-C at the school.
Meanwhile, St Joesph’s College was ranked 96th having fallen from 79th position from last year.

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