
Wintery weekend to follow winds


A tree blocks the main street in Magheraveeley on Sunday. Pic James Johnston

AFTER the recent visits of storms Dylan and Eleanor, the forecast for the week ahead is for more windy and unsettled weather.

A yellow weather warning from the Met Office, and a Status Orange warning from Met Eireann, remained in place on Wednesday, for the entire country as Eleanor sweeped across Ireland. Strong westerly winds battered the county, with numerous roads blocked by fallen tress.  Houses in Lisnaskea, Derrylin, Newtownbutler and Kinawley experienced powercuts and were left in darkness on Tuesday night.

And it isn’t over yet – Not only should motorists beware of strong gusts in the coming days, but things could possibly return to the wintery conditions seen in recent weeks by this Friday.
Temperatures will remain above today (Thursday)  with highs of up to nine degrees, while the heavy rain will continue throughout today.
Things are going to take a cold turn tomorrow (Friday), with north winds and temperatures falling to just one degree at times, and lows of -2 expected on Saturday.
Over the weekend ocassional showers may even turn wintery at times. With daytime temperatures expected to struggle to stay above freezing at the weekend, ice is expected during the night.
“Even with the most careful and thorough planning, the use of special Met Office forecasts and the latest ice prediction technology, winter service is a battle against the elements and ice-free roads cannot be guaranteed,” said Western Divisional roads manager Conor Loughrey.
“We all need to be mindful of the changing conditions and adjust the way we drive, ride or cycle to ensure it is appropriate for the conditions.
“The best advice is in the Highway Code –take extra care even if roads have been salted, be prepared for road conditions changing over short distances and take care when overtaking gritters.”
