AS WE start frantically running around, trying to get organised for Christmas 2016, decorating the house for the festive season might be far down the list of priorities.
Yet it’s best to start stocking up on the latest decoration trends while you’re out and about on the hunt for presents. It will save a lot of hassle a n d h e a r t a c h e around the start of December once you’ve hauled all those boxes of age old and tired-looking decorations out of the attic.
Get ahead of the game and have your home bang on trend with the latest in garlands, bunting, tinsel, baubles and wrapping accessories. Remember the Christmas tree is just the start.
With a little imagination and effort, you can make every room look as festive as possible with the wide variety of glittering, shiny and jolly accessories available in stores across Enniskillen right now.
Recent fashion trends have focused on decorating trees with an eclectic mix of colours and decorations that had little or nothing to do with the Christmas season.
For those who prefer the more traditional approach, the good news is that it’s back this year with red and white baubles and gold and silver set to take pride of place in homes across Fermanagh this year.
Anyone seeking something a little perkier without being too odd might want to pick the blue and green decorations also on offer. Keeping with the retro theme, decorations that previously stopped being produced decades ago are back on the shelves such as incense smokers and wooden Christmas tree baubles.
If that seems like too much karma for the Christmas tree, there will still be plenty of decorations in the loudest p o s s i b l e colours to c h o o s e from.
The rule for many people is there are no rules when it comes to decorating a tree. And, of course, don’t forget no tree is complete without a set or two or twinkling lights – in whatever colour you like to finish off the festive look.

A beautifully decorated tree in FR Cathcart’s in Enniskillen