
Warm welcome guaranteed at Enniskillen Integrated

Staff and Pupils from Erne Integrated Staff and pupils from Erne Integrated Primary

AS A direct result of the Remembrance Day Bomb in Enniskillen, Enniskillen Integrated Primary School opened its doors for the first time in September 1989 with 62 pupils and three teachers. As the school had not yet received Department of Education approval it was established through donations, fundraising and the financial support of NICIE.

Even after receiving GMI status, during the next 18 years the school operated in mobiles, many of them already second-hand. However, during this period the school grew from strength to strength and in 1997 the Nursery Unit was established. We are in the unique position in having all of integrated education in County Fermanagh on the one campus.

In September 2007 Enniskillen Integrated Primary School finally moved into its state of the art perma- nent building on the original site. The primary school and nursery unit have been consistently oversub- scribed and in September 2012 the primary was granted a temporary variation in its admissions number allowing for a double Year 1 intake.

The Board of Governors submitted a Development Proposal to The Department of Education in 2013 and this was given ministerial approval in 2014. The primary school can now finally offer integrated provision to all who want it in County Fermanagh.

Our journey has led us from a school in mobiles, with second hand classroom furniture, in a county where the concept of an integrated school was initially opposed to, to a school and nursery unit with an Outstanding ETi inspection, Investors in People Recognition, Health and Well Being Recognition and The Excellence in Integration Award.

Our school was on the world stage as in June 2013 we proudly welcomed Prime Minister Cameron and
President Barack Obama to our school during the G8.

On the 1st September 2014 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary, 299 children on roll, we are at capacity, a beautiful school building and thriving school community and ETi reconfirmed in June 2014 we are still an outstanding school.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school.
Adele Kerr Principal


SPONSORED CONTENT BY: Erne Integrated Primary School

