
Large turn out for Lakeland CC Reliability Trial

Lakeland Cycle Club riders ready for the off at the Bawnacre ahead of the Lakeland Reliability Trial.

Lakeland Cycle Club riders ready for the off at the Bawnacre ahead of the Lakeland Reliability Trial.

Sunday 8th February saw Lakeland CC stage their annual Reliability Trial cycle with over 100 riders taking part. The riders after signing on at the Bawnacre in Irvinestown set off shortly after 10am.

The early morning fog was clearing apart from the Boho road and the sun and blue skies rewarded the riders for this early season event.

The riders naturally split into a racing and a touring group but the gaps were not huge by the tea stop just before Belleek where tea, coffee, scones and biscuits were waiting for the cyclists.

The second half was where the event was to split in two with the RT group to tackle the Glenasheaver climb but with some of the early morning ice and frost persisting in sheltered spots the decision was made on safety grounds to bring everyone back along the Shore Road.

The pace immediately picked up when the front group hit the Shore Road and the groups settled into their rhythms. Despite a few spills everyone made it through Enniskillen and back up to Irvinestown where the soup and sandwiches were well earned.

Thanks to all the riders who turned out to support our event and to all the volunteers who marshalled, drove lead cars and back-up vans and assisted at sign on and with the food.

Also we would like to thank the motorcycle outriders and the Bawnacre for the use of their facilities and the food afterwards.
