
Speight challenging for medals in Europe

James Speight RMGFH13

UP FOR IT… James Speight

Twenty one year old James Speight is eyeing up a medal at the under-23 duathlon championships in Holland, this weekend.

The Belnaleck athlete came 4th in the competition last year, and speaking to the Fermanagh Herald, was looking forward to competing in the race.

This year, the race is a ‘sprint’, meaning that James, who is sponsored by Udo’s Choice, will have to 5k run, 20k on the bike and a 2.5k swim.

“I’ve been training since about August, so it’s been a long time coming,” he said.

“Since the disappointment in Columbia at the World Games, I wanted something to aim for – and this was it.

“For me, the Winter was trying to build a good base.”

James said that he spent most of the first few months working on his biking.

“I can see the increase in the power I can put into a bike. I record everything in a diary and can look back and see where I’ve come.”

The competition takes place on Sunday, and James is flying out with the Irish delegate early on Thursday morning.

“I can’t wait, I’m really looking forward to it. For a while I was putting a lot of work – now it’s tapering down, there comes to a stage two weeks before a race where you’re not going to gain any more fitness.

“So I’m making sure I get to the line as fresh as I can.”

And with regards to the race, he said:

“I was looking at the entry list, there are some very good juniors coming through – but I wouldn’t go there not thinking I wouldn’t get a medal.

“It’s going to the line knowing that there are good competitors around you but getting the best out of yourself on the day.

“If everything goes well, if I have a clean race, I’d like to think I’d be well up there.”
