
More money for big summit spruce-up

THUMBS UP...Director of Technical Services, Gerry Knox

THUMBS UP…Director of Technical Services, Gerry Knox

A WATER FOUNTAIN will become a new fixture of the Enniskillen landscape to be situated in the area of Erneside Shopping Centre.

Ahead of the G8 Summit in June further funding has been granted to improve the image of Enniskillen and the fountain is just one of projects part of the £233,000 funding from DOE.


The grant has been made to Fermanagh District Council who will appoint a Creative Management Team to prepare a design guide and manage the delivery of the project.

Head of Technical Services Gerry Knox, explained to the Herald how the money will be spent.

“At the Round ‘O’ there will be improvements to the surfacing, a bit of a tidy up at the entrance and the water pumping station. There will also be work over at the band stand, with surfacing work and redecorating.

“The canoe centre at Castle Island is another area getting a tidy up, with grass cutting and the little cottage to be redecorated and get a spruce up.

Additionally money will go towards a new ‘arch’ sign to Forthill Park from Belmore Street to make the public more aware, while some funds will also be directed towards redecorating the Clinton Centre.

“There will also be a tidy up at Henry Street, the Brook junction at the end of the West Bridge and we will bring in more planters to bring more soft landscaping the street scape.”

It is the addition of the fountain, put out for tender in today’s paper that will gather the most attention though, with Mr Knox stating it will be something similar to the one on the Queen Elizabeth Road.


He hopes the improvements will further add to the attraction of the town.

“What has already been done has made a huge difference and work on the derelict site and dilapidated areas has improved every town and village in Fermanagh. All of this work will add to the attraction of the county and will make it more welcoming.”

However, local MLA Phil Flanagan is unconvinced: “Half a million pounds is being spent cleaning up Enniskillen painting and covering over the cracks. It is failing to address the root of the problems and all because eight foreign leaders are coming to the county for four days.

“All of the cosmetic exercises are to make Fermanagh look like a prosperous place that’s attracted investment,” he added.

Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland  on Monday announced the funding boost for Enniskillen and said:

“This project will ensure the reinvigoration of Enniskillen town centre. It will enable businesses and property owners within the town centre to make improvements which will create a brighter and more vibrant streetscape to attract shoppers and visitors.”

Tourism Minister Arlene Foster added:

“We are working closely with Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism, Fermanagh District Council and other G8 partners to develop opportunities to ensure that visitors not only get an authentic taste of Northern Ireland during their stay, but that they are also encouraged to stay for longer.”

The £233,000 is to be spent by June 8 at the latest, with Mr Knox stating that work will begin within a week.

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