By Rebecca Gilroy THE autumn time is the perfect time to fill the garden with some gorgeous colour that will last over the winter months. Whether you want to use bedding plants, evergreen perennials, evergreen shrubs or trees, the list is endless. A few bedding plants that we will be discussing include Pansy, Viola, and Primrose […]
GARDENING: Now’s the time to start planting those trees
IT’S brilliant February has arrived, every gardener knows what that means, it’s the perfect time to start planting those trees we forgot to plant last year just before the spring hits us with a bang. There is such a large variety of trees that we can plant some fine examples include Alder, Birch, Acer, Laburnum, Malus, […]
Irvinestown Road ‘an accident waiting to happen’
“It’s a very busy road and you could tell that several of the trees were ready to come crashing down.”
Trees spared the chop for carpark extension
Much-loved trees at Enniskillen Castle under no threat from development work.
Plucky pensioner ‘needles’ Asda into action over trees
Overhanging pine trees playing havoc in Derrychara home
Vandals cut down trees in ‘picturesque’ walkway
A NUMBER of trees have been cut down in what has been described an ‘inconceivable’ act of vandalism.