RQIA has launched the first phase of a review of the patient pathways associated with the suspension of SWAH emergency general surgery.
SWAH campaigners meet with election candidates
Save Our Acute Services has called on the Fermanagh South Tyrone candidates to make health their top priority.
SOAS submit document on withdrawal of Emergency surgery
HOSPITAL campaign group, Save Our Acute Services (SOAS) has submitted documentation amounting to 1,833 pages to the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) which details concerns highlighting patient safety and staff welfare in the South West Region following the withdrawal of emergency general surgery from South West Acute Hospital (SWAH) in Enniskillen. The documentation identifies […]
SOAS working with health bodies to restore SWAH surgery
The hard working team at Save Our Acute Services (SOAS) are still working tirelessly in the background to restore emergency surgery at the SWAH.
SOAS seeks meeting with NI Health Minister Robin Swann
NEWLY re-appointed Health Minister Robin Swann has been urged to commit to restoring emergency general surgery (EGS) at the SWAH. Campaign group Save Our Acute Services has already written to Minister Swann requesting an urgent meeting on the situation. The decision by the Western Trust to withdraw the EGS service at the Enniskillen hospital was announced a […]
Family fun day to celebrate SWAH and its staff
“This is our thank you to the frontline staff and the work done by the staff in our incredible south-west acute hospital.”
Council united in demand for a public inquiry into SWAH
“We need the Permanent Secretary to step up and call for a full public inquiry into the Western Trust’s mismanagement.”
Momentum keeps building behind SWAH campaign
“You have people who are now passionate about this – that it is wrong, that it is not what should be happening, and they will not have it.”
‘What does Belfast have that Fermanagh doesn’t have?’
“We’re known for our friendliness, we’re laid back, and it’s quiet, but you’ve still got all the utilities that you want.”
Community urged to attend show of support for SWAH
There will be a peaceful demonstration in support of the SWAH at the Diamond in Ennsikillen on Tuesday evening.